TACO Cupcakes to make on a boring day | BAKING INSPO

Did you say Taco's  Cupcakes? Oh Yeah!

My Daughter is obsessed with Tacos, I mean crazy obsessed to the point it drives me nuts... Tacos make me ill and I won't even cook them so my husband gets that duty as the rest of the family enjoy them (which is a Gluten-free version in this house)

Tonight there was GF Spaghetti bolognese on the menu for dinner, again I do not eat this nor do I cook it 😂 anyway my daughter decided that she wanted Spaghetti bolognese Tacos?? as if my nightmare couldn't get any worse, both mixed together..

Well, it was a success apparently, I should have taken some pictures but I was avoiding the kitchen as much as possible. I really didn't want to be near this horror meal 😂😅

The top photo is a cupcake I made for my daughter the other day as a surprise, she squealed when she saw it and thought it was the bomb!

I made the Taco shell out of Fondant, put brown and green frosting inside and made the cheese out of little bits of yellow fondant.


Have you made any crazy themed cupcakes? 
Let me know below in the comments 

I would love to see your creations,
tag @nowthatspeachy on Instagram