Hand drawn Shrink Plastic Tattoo Earrings | CRAFT INSPO

Here are some hand-drawn earrings I made using shrink plastic, coloured pencils, a black marker, an oven & scissors.

I will make a tutorial on how to make these. This craft is a really fun DIY because you can be as creative as you like and do whatever design. You can match these to your outfits or make jewellery for unique custom gifts. If you can't draw very well you can even get clear plastic and trace the design on.

I love how the simple ice-cream cones turned out and I am happy with the tattoo flash earrings, especially because it was a quick design. The Ally Cat with the Miss Perfect Kitty is so great I am in love with them 😊 I have been making these on and off for a few years now and you really can go crazy on what you make.


What design would you like to make on your shrink plastic? 
Let me know below in the comments