3D Crochet Breast Cancer Awareness pillow art

A few months ago I shared a piece of artwork with you guys for breast cancer awareness, trying to encourage everyone to touch your boobies regularly to check for unusual lumps after I had a scare. The lovely Pamela from Crochet Parfait asked if she could turn the tattoo flash drawing into a 3D crochet piece, of course, I said why not 😊
Well Pamela somehow with her super talents created  this unreal pillow/breastplate faster than I could even get my blogging back on track lol

I am in awe of Pamela's skills, all I can crochet with ease is the grandma square, I wouldn't know the first thing how to even start something like this lol

Lucky for us Pamela has done a step-by-step detailed tutorial on how to make your own version, pretty cool right?

Below are some sample pictures of how to make your own pillow, for the full written pattern and picture tut, please visit her Breast Cancer Awareness blog post and be sure to follow Pamela as she always has amazing and detailed crochet tutorials for you to try 

I love this so much, changing tits to tatas made me laugh hard!
Thank you, Pamela, I feel honoured you converted my drawing into a 3d masterpiece