There once was a teenage girl who asked her mother to make her a costume for a party, she gave her Mother plenty of notice and even instructed her on the design... all the Mother had to do was buy the fabric, make a pattern and sew it up.......
The Mother, unfortunately, was thinking she has all the time in the world to make the costume, 2 days before the party reality hit and the Mother had to work very fast around other commitments and looking after a new naughty puppy.
Everything was going smoothly until the puppy decides to dart into the room and wee right in the middle of the deer dress while Mummy was pinning it on the floor..... there were gasps and screams and plenty of yelling at Mum because apparently, everything is mums fault, even the dog weeing 😁
The Mother finished the dress and made the Deer ears but due to the pink insert, they looked a lot like a vagina....... LOL the Teenager was not impressed so Mother had to start again and do the centre of the ears white.
Eventually, the Bambi dress was completed and fit perfectly and the teenager was a happy little deer and lived happily ever after..... well maybe just for the weekend 😉
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These are the products that I used, but you can adapt them to suit what fabrics are available in your local fabric shop.
Sewing Tutorial Details
- 2-3 Hour Project
- Medium Level Sewing Skills
DIY Supplies
- Brown or Tan suede fabric
- White polar fleece fabric or felt
- Fabric Glue
- Hair Combs or a Headband
- Sewing Machine
- Scissors, Pins, thread & needle
- Zipper
- Cut out your pattern
First of all, you need a top and bottom piece of clothing to get your size. This is a quick Sewing Pattern Hack and is good for beginners to get a custom size.
Make your Dress Panel -
Use this Carebears Dress Tutorial to make your skater dress bass. The only difference between that design and this Bambi one is that I used a full-circle skirt, not an a-line design.
Sew your details onto the front and back panels before you sew the side seams together.
There is no stretch with this suede fabric so make sure you are using a top and bottom template piece that fits well that also has no stretch to use for your pattern.
Front Pattern Piece - With a newspaper or large sheet of paper, draw an oval U shape that will fit the front of the dress. Once you have the right size you can cut, pin to the front panel and sew.
Back Pattern Piece - With a newspaper or large sheet of paper, draw different size oval shapes that will fit randomly like Deer spots on the back of the dress. Once you have the right size you can cut, pin to the back panel and sew.
Ear Pattern Piece - Cut 2 ear panels out of the brown fabric and 2 inner earpieces out of white. Sew the white fabric on the front panel and then sew the back and front together.
Bend wire or a coathanger inside the ears to hold up, and attach the wire to the base of the headband by turning around it and glueing
Tail Pattern Piece - Cut a white and brown tail the size which best suits the costume. Sew together, turn inside out, fill if you require and sew to the back of the dress
We added a Petticoat we had for extra volume but this isn't a must, it still is super cute without the underskirt

Thanks for stopping by 💗
Have you had a funny sewing story?
Let me know below in the comments