Make Collectable Toy Surprise Easter egg gifts for the kid's

Do the children receive too much Chocolate every year and you end up eating it? Which can be a good or a bad thing depending on your love of chocolate haha but let's be honest the kid's get too many sweet treats and they probably would prefer toys!

 My niece is obsessed with these little collectable toys, it really does not matter what it is, if it comes in a packet and she has watched a youtube video of them, she's hooked. So this Easter I decided instead of chocolate eggs for her I would buy some of these collectable toys and place them inside empty plastic craft eggs.

The result, Brilliant!!!!

I grabbed a variety of Collectables, OOSHIES are a good size for the small plastic eggs, I also love The Original KAWAII SQUEEZIES because you can squish them inside and when opened they pop out, super cool.

The mini Hatchimals my niece adores and even though they are already an egg shape, I know she will get a kick out of one inside a plastic egg.

I brought the plastic eggs and toys from Big W Australia, I liked the variety of plastic egg sizes in the one packet. Once you have your toys inside, decorate with ribbon or add to your child's carton of chocolate Easter eggs.

What Collectable toys would your kids love to find in their eggs this Easter?

Happy Easter everyone

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