DIY Easy Pom Pom Bumble Bee Craft tutorial

I have been hunting the stores and online for some cute bees for an Easter fascinator hat but have had no luck finding anything that tickled my fancy, so I guess I am making some little bee's myself and sharing the tutorial with you all!
This is an easy craft project for the kids to use in their artwork, present-making and imagination play. Just take out the wire part for the younger kids or help them to do this part.

  • Pack of different size premade craft puffy Pom Poms
  • Pipe Cleaners in desired wing colour, I used yellow and white
  • Craft glue
  • Black Sequins (I used sequin string for stripes but loose for eyes)


  • With your pipe cleaner, fold in half to find the centre point
  • Once you find the centre, with one side create a circle and cross the end of the pipe cleaner over the centre and twist it around
  • Repeat with the other side and twist the bee antennas together around to stay tight and secure.
  • Glue your small pom to the larger one to create the head

  • Grab your sequins and glue
  • Glue 2 sequin lines around the larger pom, the Bee body
  • Glue 2 large sequins to the side of the head for the eyes

  • With jewellery or thin normal wire, create a curve and twist gently around the neck and twist at the back.
You only need to do this step if you need the Bee's flying for your craft project, otherwise, skip this step and move on to gluing on the wings.

  • Glue the pipe cleaner wings on the back of Bee, high enough to show the antennas from the front.
  •  Let dry
And now you have an adorable Bumble Bee!!
Make as many as you need, stick to your Easter parade hat, Spring crafty projects, or School classroom crafts or make your own little hair accessories by attaching them to hair clips.

I would love to see your Bumble Bee creations,
tag me on social @nowthatspeachy