Make a custom Lumpy Space Princess backpack | EASY DIY

Do you need a Lumpy Space Princess Backpack in your life? Then look no further, this 30-minute D.I.Y project is what you are looking for!
Today was a nice quick craft project basically to stop my daughter nagging me... okay okay the nagging was justified as I brought her this school bag in January and told her I would make it an Adventure Time backpack for her...... 6 months later I still had not done it ๐Ÿ˜‚ I don't know why I kept putting it off as it took me no longer than 30 mins to complete๐Ÿ˜Š

Anyhoo below is a picture tutorial on how I created a Lumpy Space Princess backpack.

  • purple backpack of any kind, I brought this canvas one off eBay for $18 but if you are good you can make your own (I was too lazy for that lol)
  • yellow, black & white felt, I used scrap pieces I had as you do not need much
  • scrap paper to draw up the design
  • pencil and scissors
  • craft glue
  • sewing machine or needle & thread
1| Get a purple backpack (this may be the hardest part)

2| Draw up your face on paper to fit the top section of the bag and cut out

3| Place the design on the top panel for placement and mark with a pencil where the pieces go. I originally was going to do a happy face but my daughter wanted a mean one to keep people away from touching her bag lol

4| Using the paper pieces as your pattern, cut out your felt

5| Glue pieces down with strong craft glue, you do not have to glue them but I find it's easier to sew once glued because of all the little pieces.

6| Sew - I used a sewing machine but if you do not have a machine you could hand sew the design on with black thread. If you hand sew, it will take longer but you will get the same effect 

And your new Adventure Time backpack is complete! Easiest DIY bag makeover ever!!!

This would make a good project for an old bag up-cycle or getting kids involved in crafts. I hope you liked this project, sorry for the poor pictures, my camera is still playing up and it's annoying me big time...... have a sweet week ๐Ÿ˜Š


Which character would you like to put on a backpack? 
Let me know below in the comments