Best Alcohol Slushie at home | DIY 196 Suntory Can Hack

4 frozen slushie Cocktails  made from Suntory 196 Double Lemon Vodka drink alcohol hack

Instant Alcohol Frozen Slushies

How to Transform Premade Mixed Alcohol Cans into DIY Frosty Slushies, the Summer Party Hack anyone can do!

Are you ready to dive into the wonderful world of DIY alcohol slushies. If you love to cool down with a frosty treat on a scorching hot day or simply enjoy experimenting with drinking concoctions, you're in for a treat!

Today, our spotlight shines on none other than the charismatic Suntory 196 Double Lemon flavour. Will this zesty beverage be the key to unlocking the ultimate frosty slushie experience? We're about to find out!

In this blog series, we'll be unearthing the secrets behind turning ordinary premixed drinks into frozen delights that will make your taste buds dance with joy and experimenting with different pre-mixed canned drinks to see if they will work with this method.

This is not a sponsored paid post, just a happy experiment that I am sharing with you all, if anyone wants to pay me though to try their drinks, you know where I am ;)

4 frozen slushie Cocktails  made from Suntory 196 Double Lemon Vodka drink alcohol hack

Chilling Experiments: Turning Suntory 196 Double Lemon Vodka into a Refreshing Slushie 

But before we jump headfirst into the frosty adventure, let me assure you that creating a slushie with Suntory 196 Double Lemon is as easy as it gets. No complicated machinery or hours spent hovering over a blender. Nope, we're taking the DIY route with a simple, yet oh-so-effective, hack. Trust me, you'll be sipping on icy goodness in no time!

So, if you're ready to quench your thirst, beat the heat, and unleash your inner slushie aficionado, let's dive into the step-by-step process of transforming Suntory 196 Double Lemon into a refreshing frozen delight. Get your taste buds primed, folks, because the slushie adventure of a lifetime is about to begin!


So let's get down to business and ensure we have a safe slushie-making experience! We don't want any explosions, do we? 

Safety first, my friends! Here's our experiment setup and a few chuckle-worthy safety measures

1| Keep it Chill, No Explosions: We're freezing the can of Suntory 196 Double Lemon for at least 12 hours. But hold on tight, folks! To prevent any potential mishaps, we're going the extra mile by storing it in a trusty plastic bag. Safety goggles? Nah, just a plastic bag!

2| Tap, Tap, Tap: Time to show that can who's boss! Before opening it up, we're giving it a good ol' tap for about 30 seconds. Why, you ask? Well, we want to make sure any rebellious air bubbles trapped inside know who's in charge. Take that, air bubbles!

3| Lid Liberation: We're not just popping the lid like we mean business, my friends. Oh no, we're being gentle and cracking it open just a tad bit. Why, you may wonder? Well, it's all about those gas air bubbles that might be longing for freedom. We're giving them a little escape route, so they don't mess with our slushie-making mojo. Freedom for bubbles!

Suntory 196 Double Lemon Vodka drink alcohol can in plastic bag out of freezerfrozen Suntory 196 Double Lemon Vodka drink alcohol can in plastic bag out of freezer
Suntory 196 Double Lemon Vodka drink alcohol can open top fizzingSuntory 196 Double Lemon Vodka drink alcohol can opened lid top fizzing

Remember, folks, safety is cool, and we're here to slay the slushie game without any accidents. So, follow these funky measures, and let's embark on a freezing adventure that'll have your taste buds doing a happy dance!

Alright, folks, it's time to unleash our slushie-making prowess! Get ready to create a frozen masterpiece with Suntory 196 Double Lemon. Here's how we do it:

4| Pour, Baby, Pour: Pop open that can of frozen potential and pour the excess liquid into a glass, don't let any alcohol go to waste! We're talking about a slushie in the making here, people. So, grab that glass and save that liquid gold for later. Waste not, slushie not!

5| Removing the Top with Style: We're taking slushie creation to a whole new level, my friends. Grab a can opener and place it on the top edge of the can. Now, give it a confident twist, just like you're opening a stubborn pickle jar. Voila! The top of the can is off, and we're one step closer to slushie bliss. You've got the power!

6| Teaspoon Crushing Brilliance: It's time to unleash your inner slushie maestro. Grab a teaspoon and lightly crush the frozen drink inside the can. Think of it as a rhythmic dance, a delicate touch. You're not pulverizing it into oblivion; you're coaxing it into slushie perfection. Crush away, my frozen drink Picasso!

Suntory 196 Double Lemon Vodka drink alcohol can opened with frozen slushie and spoon over kitchen sink at homeSuntory 196 Double Lemon Vodka drink alcohol can opened with frozen slushie and spoon over kitchen sink at home alcohol recipe summer hack

7| To Drink or Not to Drink: Now, my friends, you have a choice to make. You can enjoy this slushie creation just as it is—pure, refreshing, and ready to tantalize your taste buds. Or, you can take it up a notch and transform it into frozen icy cocktails. The world is your slushie oyster, and the options are endless. Blend it with some spirits, add a splash of creativity, and fool your friends into thinking you slaved over the blender for hours. Cheers to the slushie connoisseur in you!

Suntory 196 Double Lemon Vodka drink alcohol can opened with frozen slushie on kitchen bench with cocktail glassSuntory 196 Double Lemon Vodka drink alcohol can opened with frozen slushie in cocktail glass

There you have it, slushie enthusiasts! A casual, fun, and slightly humorous guide to creating the perfect Suntory 196 Double Lemon icy frosty to enjoy in Summer. 

Get ready to impress yourself and your friends with this icy masterpiece, the perfect easy summer drink. 

Suntory 196 Double Lemon Vodka drink alcohol can opened with frozen slushie in cocktail glass easy diy alcohol recipe hack

Suntory 196 Double Lemon Slushie

Quick Instruction Guide


  • 1 can of Suntory 196 Double Lemon Shochu Vodka (6% alcohol)
  • Plastic bag (to prevent explosions)
  • Teaspoon (for crushing)
  • Can Opener
  • Optional: Cocktail glasses for serving


  1. Freeze the can of Suntory 196 Double Lemon for at least 12 hours.
  2. Place the frozen can on its side in a plastic bag to prevent explosions.
  3. Tap the can for about 30 seconds to release air bubbles.
  4. Open the lid of the can slightly to release excess gas.
  5. Pour the excess liquid into a glass.
  6. With the can opener, slowly and gently remove the top.
  7. Crush the ice slushie with a teaspoon.
  8. Enjoy the slushie as is or pour into cocktail glasses.
  9. Optional: Garnish with a lemon slice, fresh mint leaves, a little umbrella or colourful paper straw.

Pro tip: Fool your friends into thinking you slaved over the blender for hours!

@nowthatspeachy alcohol hack, thank me later 🤣 #lifehacks #drinkinghacks ♬ Bounce When She Walk
All your questions answered on alcohol slushies!

Why does the alcohol turn into a slushie?

When alcohol is exposed to freezing temperatures, its freezing point is lowered due to its chemical properties. Because the alcohol is mixed with soft drink (lemonade in this case) the lemonade freezes but the alcohol does not, creating a frosty slush consistency.

What percentage of alcohol is inside Suntory 196 Double Lemon?

Suntory 196 Double Lemon contains 6% alcohol, which contributes to its ability to freeze and transform into a slushie. I have found premixed drinks under 4% do not give you the slushie texture but are more of an iceblock.

Why doesn't the alcohol fully freeze like water?

Alcohol has a lower freezing point than water, which means it requires colder temperatures to completely solidify.

The percentage of alcohol present in premixed drinks like Suntory 196 Double Lemon affects the freezing point and can result in a slushie texture rather than a solid freeze.

Will alcohol explode in the freezer?

No, alcohol will not explode in the freezer. Alcohol has a much lower freezing point than water, which means it will remain liquid even at very low temperatures. However, some alcoholic beverages may freeze partially or completely in the freezer, depending on their alcohol content and the temperature of the freezer. 

For example, beer and wine have low alcohol content and may freeze in a home freezer, whereas vodka and whiskey have higher alcohol content and will not freeze
@nowthatspeachy Replying to @paulinaporsche will the vodka can explode in the freezer? let's see #vodkaslushie #testingproducts #suntory196 #notsponsored ♬ Last Night

What alcohol slushie recipes can I make at home?

Get creative and experiment with different alcoholic spirits, wines, and fruits to craft a wide range of homemade alcohol slushie recipes. The possibilities are endless, allowing you to concoct unique and refreshing cocktails to suit your taste preferences.

Can I achieve the same results with other premixed drinks?

Absolutely! The freezing potential of different premixed drinks may vary based on their alcohol content and other ingredients.

It's a fun experiment to try with various brands and flavours to see which ones lend themselves to the perfect slushie consistency. Low % alcohol content will not result in a slushie consistency.

Are there any safety precautions to keep in mind?

Yes, safety first! Freezing alcohol can cause increased pressure within the container, so it's important to store the can in a plastic bag to prevent potential explosions. 

Tapping the can and opening the lid slightly allow excess gas and air bubbles to escape safely.
Suntory 196 Double Lemon Vodka drink alcohol can opened with frozen slushie in lux vintage cocktail glassSuntory 196 Double Lemon Vodka drink alcohol can opened with frozen slushie in lux vintage cocktail glass
And just like that, we've reached the end of our frosty escapade into the world of alcohol slushies. What a journey it's been, my slushie-loving friends! We've explored the depths of flavour, unlocked the secrets of freezing magic, and sipped on icy concoctions that have tantalized our taste buds. But fear not, the slushie adventure doesn't end here!

As we bid adieu to Suntory 196 and our first slushie experiment, I encourage each and every one of you to embrace your inner mixologist. Let your creativity soar and dive into the vast ocean of slushie possibilities. From tropical twists to berrylicious delights, the world of frozen cocktails is yours to explore!

But wait, there's more! 

Don't forget to stay tuned for future cocktail adventures and exciting content. Sign up for our email updates or give us a follow on TikTok where I will be posting all the pre-mixed experiments first because you never know when we might unveil the next slushie sensation or mixology masterpiece.
@nowthatspeachy Replying to @theasianjoker which alcohol should I test first to make into a slushie? #lifehacks #drinkinghacks #slushie #testing ♬ Me and My Pet - Eitan Epstein Music
We're here to quench your thirst for all things icy, refreshing, and oh-so-delicious!

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easy summer cocktail alcohol hack Suntory 196 Double Lemon Vodka drink alcohol can opened with frozen slushies in lux vintage cocktail glasseasy summer cocktail alcohol hack Suntory 196 Double Lemon Vodka drink alcohol can opened with frozen slushies in lux vintage cocktail glass

So, my fellow slushie enthusiasts, keep those blenders (well teaspoons) at the ready, gather your favourite premixed drinks, and let the slushie experiments begin! Stay frosty, my friends!