Do you want a Beret? Do you neeeeeed a Beret?
But you can not find the perfect one in that amazing shade you have been dreaming of?
Then you are in the right place. Join me and I will show you how to make the cutest on-trend beret, that's budget-friendly. All you need is basic sewing skills and a small amount of fabric.
Basic sewing skills
Approx cost $0 to $5
Approx time 30 mins
- 1 metre x 25cm fabric or 50cm x 50cm
- Sewing Machine or Needle & thread
This project is possible to hand sew, as long as you keep your stitches close together and neat
- Scissors
- Circle template, I used a plate and a bowl
- Measuring Tape

- Fold your thick fabric in half and mark 2 full circles
- In the second circle mark your head circumference
- Cut the circles, leaving a 5mm hem edge
The centre circle width was 17cm
I recommend you measure your head to see which size is best suited to you. The size I made was for a small adult or teen size head.
STEP 2- Place your doughnut piece on top of the full circle piece of fabric, making sure you match up your fabric pattern. I was using cord so matched up to my cord lines
- Do this 2 times and pin the outer edge
- Sew the edge on your sewing machine on a straight stitch
- Trim edge clean
- Cut around the curved edge with small slits
- Fold one of the sewn panels the correct way out
- Place the beret inside the inside out beret (refer to the picture above)
- Pin the inside of the circle, the 2 layers should be matching up neatly
- Sew around the inner circle with a straight stitch, leaving at least 1 inch unsewn
- Through your 1-inch unsewn hole, pull the fabric out all the way. The beret will now be the right way
- Push one layer into the other so it looks like a bowl. Push your hand around the inside creating a nice round shape
- Iron all the edges so it will keep its shape.
- Hand-sew the 1-inch hole closed. Use the same colour thread and do an invisible stitch
- Cut a small straight line of fabric for your beret loop that sits in the centre at the top
- Loop the fabric in a circle and stitch it together
- Sew loop to the top centre of the beret
Looks super adorable right?
The best thing is this design is reversible, so you could use different colours or prints for each half, 2 looks in one!
This pattern is not true to size, you need to draw up your own size. I have just made this above so you can see what pattern panels you need.
I loved making this Beret fashion sewing tutorial, if you have any questions, please feel free to ask me in the comments below.
I am definitely going to make a few more of these, my daughters are obsessed and now so am I.
Happy Sewing!
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